Image List

This page is to generate image cutouts of SDSS images based upon a user defined list of object positions. In order to avoid congestion on the server, the list is currently limited to 1000 objects. If this is a problem, please submit your list in pieces.

If you're new to the Image List tool, please see the Visual Tools main page and Getting Started with Image List.
For the description of the other options see the Help section of the Finding Chart. The format of the list can be from the following choices:

  1. List of (ra,dec) pairs
    Always ra comes first, followed by dec. Both ra and dec can be in degrees or hh:mm:ss.s dd:mm:ss.s format. The separator can be any white space or a comma.
  2. List of (name,ra,dec) triplets
    The fields must always be in this order. The name can be any single alphanumeric string containing at most an underscore and a dot (like ABC_1234.32). Both ra and dec can be in degrees or hh:mm:ss.s dd:mm:ss.s format. The separator can be any white space or a comma.
  3. Same as above, with a single header line
    The formats (1) and (2) can also contain a single header line, containing the column names. The header must use the same separator as the data. The names ra and dec are mandatory.
  4. Lists in the IRSA Gator format
    For details see the IRSA website.

Cut and paste RA, Dec coordinates

Use SQL query to fill coordinates list Hide SQL query

Write a query returning 2 columns (ra, dec) or 3 (name, ra, dec).
Press Get Images to load the coordinates into the box.

Zoom In zoom in zoom=5 zoom=4 zoom=3 zoom=2 zoom=1 zoom=0 zoom=-1 zoom=-2 zoom=-3 zoom=-4 zoom=-5 zoom=-6 zoom=-7 zoom out

Drawing options

Advanced options